It is a simply glorious fall day today. I walked the dog this morning before the sun came up, and the temperature had dropped to the mid-forties overnight. The sunrise had just begun as we finished our lap around the lake, and the thick, white steam rising from the water made the trees look like they were hovering against the pink sky. Beau ran around with exaggerated energy, frisky in the cold air. I love this time of year. After such a hot, dry summer, it seems like an impossible wish has been granted. It's cool again!
The weather - and the fact that it's mid-October - startled me into realizing something this week. It won't be long before our extended fall trip to Michigan. When we come back, it won't be long before Thanksgiving.
And since we're having even more family this year...
I need to start my menu planning! And my Thanksgiving baking! I need to start it now!
After I publish this post, I'll be mixing up a double batch of cornbread to dry out for Brian's favorite stuffing. On Saturday, I'll be baking some challah bread for my Mom's favorite stuffing and freezing a big old pound cake to pull back out for Thanksgiving dessert. (Just one of those things that gets better with time!) And if I get the time, I'll freeze a batch of unbaked biscuits and maybe even some rolls - though I think I'm going to need to do some research for a better recipe than last year's. They were kind of dry.
Any suggestions?
I'm going to be sticking with last year's menu, pretty much, since almost everything turned out great. Let's see. I better write it down someplace.
Turkey and Traditional Dressing (I'm leaving the cooking of this item all up to my mom. Last year was the last time I'm going to brine a turkey. I never noticed a difference. And what a pain.)
Glazed Ham
Brian's Cornbread Pecan Stuffing
Baked Spinach and Gruyere
Sweet Potato Casserole
Baked Mashed Sweet Potatoes
Make-Ahead Mashed Potatoes
Green Bean Casserole
Wild Rice Dressing
Sauteed Brussels Sprouts
Cranberry-Cherry Chutney
Make-Ahead Turkey Gravy
Buttermilk Biscuits
Dinner Rolls (suggestions!)
Sandy's Cheese Bread
Cinnamon Honey Butter
Raspberry White Chocolate Cheesecake
Cold Oven Pound Cake
Autumn Spice Cake with Coconut-Pecan Frosting
[Some kind of chocolate dessert]
Pumpkin Tart
Pumpkin Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting
Apple Pie
Whipped Cream
Raspberry Sauce
I can't wait to get started! :)