I’m thankful that he watches “Good Eats” with me on YouTube.
I’m thankful that he asks about the progress of my sewing project.
I’m thankful that he didn’t make me go running this morning.
(“Brian, the roads are covered in ice. And it will be pitch black dark outside. And we’re going to be running down hills. Please, PLEASE don’t make us go running tomorrow. I promise I’ll work out later in the day. Just please don’t make us go.” “We can run on the grass!” “Brian, there IS no grass!” As he changes the settings on the alarm clock: “You are such a wimp.”)
I’m thankful that he doesn’t need me to make him a big, complicated lunch. Just jerky, nuts, vegetables, and an apple. Yep, every day.
I’m thankful that he wants me to be a stay-at-home-mom… someday.
I’m thankful that he loves Bo so much.
I’m thankful that he keeps a fire going all throughout the weekends.
I’m thankful that when he blesses the food before dinner, he thanks God for me.
I'm thankful that despite his moaning and groaning about Valentine's Day, I'm sure he'll get me something. POSITIVE.
I’m thankful that he’s my husband, that he loves me, and that I can make plans for ten years down the road, knowing he’ll still be here.
That’s all.

awwwww...you're so sweet, Maeg. :)